How do I setup Two Factor Authentication (2FA) in Microsoft 365?

Use Two Factor Authentication (also known as MFA or Multifactor Authentication) to secure your Microsoft 365/Office 365 account.

Step by Step Guide

Open a browser and go to and login.

  1. Once you're logged in, click on the icon on the top right of your screen of the page (this will either have your initials or a picture)
  2. Click on View account
  3. Click on UPDATE INFO under Security info

You now need to setup the additional security verification method. You can have more than one method and you can choose between:

  1. A text message sent to your mobile
  2. A phone call
  3. The Microsoft Authenticator app (which runs on your phone) is the most secure option.
    For iOS devices, download it from the App Store here: and for Android devices, download it from Google play here:

Once you have set up your additional security verification(s) click Next

App Passwords

As the final step of the process, you will be given an app-specific password, which can be used to login to applications or devices that don't support 2FA.

Copy and Save the password somewhere temporarily if you know you need this. If you don't have an application that needs an app password you can skip this step and forget the one you've been given (you can always create a new one later on). 

Logging in with 2FA

From now on when you login with your Microsoft Office 365 account, for example when you log into, you will be required to use the second factor you have set up.

If you need to create more app passwords, follow How do I setup another App Password?